Who will be left behind on the old 3D Earth? How to switch to the 5D New Earth?

Soul Compass
10 min readDec 20, 2023


In the vast expanse of our existence, a transformation whispers in the winds of change. We stand at the precipice of an evolutionary leap, a shift from the dense, fear-entangled vibrations of the 3D Earth to the luminous, love-infused frequencies of the 5D New Earth.

Here, in this space between worlds, we delve into the profound teachings of Dolores Cannon, a pioneer who charted the unseen, and unearthed secrets of our spiritual odyssey. Through her eyes, we glimpse the cosmic dance of our souls, moving rhythmically from the shadows of duality to the light of unity.

But what does this shift entail? Who will transcend the old Earth and who will remain? How do we navigate this monumental transition? Join us as we unravel these mysteries, seeking not just knowledge, but transformation. For in understanding the journey from 3D to 5D, we do not just observe the change — we become it.

Embrace the unknown, open your heart to the whispers of the cosmos, and let the journey to the New Earth begin.

In the realm of the mystical and the boundaries of the known, Dolores Cannon, a visionary and explorer of the hidden depths of the psyche, unearthed a profound truth through her explorations into past life regression. She discovered a concept so transformative, it challenges the very core of our understanding of existence: the Shifting Earth. This concept, rooted in her extensive research, speaks of a monumental transition of our world, a transcendent journey from one dimensional plane to another, higher one.

Imagine, if you will, a world bound by the constraints of duality, where every moment is a battleground between fear and desire, a world ruled by the ego. This is the 3D Earth as we know it, a dimension where life is perceived through a lens of separation, where each soul feels isolated, adrift in an ocean of solitary experiences. In this realm, time and space govern all, and the material world holds sway over the spirits of its inhabitants.

But, in the whispers of the universe, there lies a different reality, one that Dolores Cannon’s research brings into luminous clarity. This is the 5D Earth, an ethereal plane of existence vibrating at a frequency of pure love and unity. Here, the illusion of separation dissolves into the cosmic truth of oneness. In this higher dimension, consciousness expands beyond the limitations of the physical realm, embracing a state of boundless being, infinite wisdom, and unconditional love.

In 5D, the ego’s whispers are silenced by the harmonious chorus of collective consciousness. Souls are no longer shackled by fear but are liberated, free to exist in a state of perpetual growth and co-creation. Here, time is not a linear path but a vast sea of possibilities, and every moment is an eternal now, a convergence of past, present, and future in a dance of cosmic synchronicity.

Dolores Cannon’s groundbreaking work invites us to open our minds to this extraordinary possibility: that we, as a collective, are on the brink of this monumental shift. It beckons us to let go of the old paradigms of the 3D Earth and embrace the transformative vibrations of the 5D Earth, to embark on a journey not just of the mind or body, but of the soul. This journey is not merely about observing a change; it’s about actively participating in the evolution of our own consciousness, and in doing so, co-creating a new reality, a new Earth, birthed from the very essence of our awakened selves.

In the grand tapestry of existence, a silent revolution is unfolding, one that Dolores Cannon’s visionary insights have illuminated with profound clarity. This revolution is not of the world we see, but of the consciousness that perceives it. It is a ‘Transformation of Consciousness’, a shift of such magnitude that it alters the very essence of our being.

Envision a consciousness that has been long anchored in a sea of fear, where every thought and action is shadowed by doubt, insecurity, and disconnection. This is the realm of the fear-based consciousness, a state that has long governed the human experience in the 3D Earth. It is a landscape where the ego reigns supreme, driving us towards endless desires and away from our true essence.

But now, imagine a dawn of a new era, a luminescent shift towards a consciousness steeped in love, unity, and harmony. This is the essence of the transformation we are undergoing. It’s a collective awakening, where our awareness, values, and priorities are being recalibrated from the dense vibrations of fear to the radiant frequencies of love. In this new state of being, love is not just an emotion but a fundamental force, a lens through which we see ourselves and the universe.

In this love-based consciousness, we perceive the interconnectedness of all life. We recognize that every thought, word, and action resonates beyond our individual selves, rippling through the cosmos. Here, in the 5D Earth, our priorities shift from survival and competition to cooperation and co-creation. Values of compassion, empathy, and understanding become the pillars of our existence, guiding us towards a world where peace and harmony prevail.

Parallel to this transformation is the journey of ‘Spiritual Evolution’. Dolores Cannon’s teachings remind us that each soul is unique, embarking on its distinct path of growth and enlightenment. The shift to the new reality is not a compulsory destiny for all but a choice, an opportunity available to those whose souls resonate with this higher frequency.

Not every soul will make this transition simultaneously. Some may linger in the familiar vibrations of the 3D Earth, learning and growing at their own pace, for every journey is sacred and every timing divine. This diversity in spiritual evolution is the beauty of our universe — a cosmic garden where each soul blossoms in its own time, nurtured by its experiences and lessons.

The transformation of consciousness and the spiritual evolution of each soul are thus interwoven in this mystical dance of the universe. As we each navigate our path, we contribute to the collective shift, weaving a new tapestry of reality where love is the fundamental thread, and unity the pattern we create together.

In the vast, unfolding universe, where the dance of creation and destruction is endless, there exists a profound challenge that many souls encounter: the ‘Resistance to Change’. As revealed in the insightful teachings of Dolores Cannon, this resistance is a pivotal factor in the journey from the 3D to the 5D Earth. Picture a vast ocean, where every wave represents a potential change, a chance to flow with the rhythms of the universe. Yet, there are those who cling to the familiar shores, rooted in the sands of old belief systems, traditions, and paradigms that have defined their existence.

These souls, steadfast in their resistance, are akin to ancient trees with deep roots in the soil of the 3D Earth. Their branches may sway with the winds of change, yet their roots remain anchored. This resistance often stems from fear — a fear of the unknown, a fear of losing control, a fear of the vast, uncharted seas of possibility. In this state, the soul denies itself the opportunity to ride the waves of cosmic evolution, to experience the expansive, boundless realms of the 5D Earth, where love and unity prevail.

Venturing further into the mystical realms of consciousness, we encounter another profound aspect that Dolores Cannon illuminated: the impact of ‘Negative Energies’. Envision these energies as heavy, dark clouds that shroud the soul’s luminous essence. Emotions like anger, jealousy, and resentment are not mere feelings but energetic frequencies that can lower one’s vibrational state. In the realm of the 3D Earth, these energies are commonplace, part of the duality and conflict that characterize this dimension.

Holding onto these negative energies is like carrying a weight that hinders the soul’s ascent to the higher frequencies of the 5D Earth. They cloud the heart’s vision, obscuring the light of love and compassion that is the essence of our true nature. In the transformative journey to the 5D Earth, releasing these energies is akin to a snake shedding its old skin, revealing a new, vibrant self that resonates with the higher frequencies of love, peace, and unity.

The mystic path to the 5D Earth, as unveiled by Dolores Cannon, is one of surrender and release. It invites us to let go of the old, to release the anchors of resistance and the burdens of negative energies. This path beckons us to embrace change, to flow with the cosmic currents, and to allow the light of higher consciousness to dissolve the clouds of negativity. In doing so, we align ourselves with the transformative energies of the 5D Earth, ready to embark on a journey of profound spiritual evolution.

In the labyrinth of human experience, where myriad paths intertwine, there lies a subtle yet profound trap known as ‘Materialism’. Dolores Cannon’s visionary teachings cast light upon this phenomenon, revealing how an excessive attachment to material possessions can become a shackle, binding the soul to the lower vibrations of the 3D Earth. Picture a traveler laden with countless treasures, each representing the material wealth and possessions amassed over a lifetime. While these treasures glimmer with a seductive allure, they also weigh heavy, impeding the traveler’s ascent to the ethereal realms of the 5D Earth.

This attachment to materialism is akin to a dense fog that obscures the soul’s vision, preventing it from seeing the true nature of existence, where the intangible — love, joy, spiritual connection — holds the greatest value. In the journey towards the higher dimensions, the shedding of this materialistic weight is essential, a process not of loss but of liberation, allowing the soul to rise, unburdened, into the realms of higher consciousness and expanded awareness.

Another pivotal aspect in this mystical journey is ‘Self-Awareness’. In the teachings of Dolores Cannon, the importance of introspection and self-awareness is illuminated like a beacon in the night. Lack of self-awareness is akin to navigating a starless sky, where one’s true path remains shrouded in darkness. Without the light of self-awareness, adapting to the new energies of the 5D Earth becomes a formidable challenge. The unexamined soul, unaware of its own depths, fears, desires, and true essence, may find itself adrift, unable to align with the higher vibrational frequencies of love and unity.

Self-awareness is the compass that guides the soul through the inner realms. It is the act of turning the gaze inwards, of exploring the vast, uncharted territories of the psyche. In this journey within, the soul encounters its shadows and lights, uncovering hidden truths, healing old wounds, and awakening to its infinite potential. This introspective quest is not a mere self-indulgence but a vital step in the soul’s evolution, enabling it to resonate with the transformative energies of the 5D Earth.

As Dolores Cannon’s profound insights reveal, the path to the 5D Earth is woven with challenges yet rich with opportunities for growth and transformation. The shedding of materialistic attachments and the cultivation of deep self-awareness are not merely steps on this path but essential rites of passage, gateways to a higher state of being where the soul can truly flourish in the boundless realms of love, unity, and spiritual enlightenment.

In the grand cosmic dance, where each soul is both a dancer and a choreographer, there are ‘Practical Steps for Transition’ to the New Earth, steps illuminated by the profound teachings of Dolores Cannon. These steps are not mere actions but sacred rituals, each a key to unlocking the doors to higher dimensions of existence.

First, comes the act of ‘Embracing Change’, akin to a sailor setting sail on unknown seas, trusting the winds of destiny. Change, the eternal constant of the universe, is embraced not with fear but with the courage of a warrior of light.

Next, is the ‘Expansion of Consciousness’, a journey that takes one deep into the realms of the mind and beyond. Imagine consciousness as a lotus, unfolding its petals to reveal the hidden knowledge of the universe, an expansion that transcends the boundaries of the known.

In this journey, ‘Releasing Fear’ is paramount. Fear, the ancient guardian at the gates of transformation, must be acknowledged, understood, and then released. Like a bird freeing itself from a cage, the soul liberates itself from the chains of fear.

The cultivation of ‘Love’ is the next step, a force so powerful it can transform the very fabric of reality. Love is the universal language, the melody that harmonizes the soul with the symphony of the cosmos.

‘Trusting Intuition’ is like following a mystical compass within, guiding the soul through the mists of uncertainty towards its true destiny. It is the whisper of the higher self, a guide in the journey of awakening.

‘Practicing Mindfulness’ brings the soul into the eternal now, where the past and future converge into a single point of infinite possibilities. It is the art of being fully present, where each moment is a canvas for creation.

‘Raising Vibration through Joy and Gratitude’ turns everyday experiences into a celebration, a dance of thankfulness that elevates the spirit and aligns it with the higher frequencies of existence.

‘Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs’ is akin to shedding old skins, revealing the luminous essence of the soul, free from the constraints of outdated narratives and self-imposed barriers.

‘Being of Service to Others’ is the realization that in helping others, the soul weaves threads of light into the tapestry of the collective consciousness, contributing to the ascension of all.

And finally, ‘Focusing on Inner Development’, the journey inward to the sacred sanctuary of the self, where true wisdom and power reside.

These steps lead to ‘Empowerment and Co-Creation’, where each soul becomes a conscious creator, shaping reality with the tools of love, wisdom, and intention. On the path to the New Earth, each step is both a personal awakening and a collective empowerment, a co-creation of a reality where love, peace, and higher consciousness are not just ideals but the very foundations of existence. This path is not just a journey; it is a transformation, an alchemical process turning the lead of the old self into the gold of the awakened soul.

As we stand here, on the brink of the New Earth, let us carry with us the pearls of wisdom we have gathered. Remember, this journey is not a destination but an ever-evolving path, a tapestry woven from the threads of our collective experiences, dreams, and aspirations.

Embrace this transformation with an open heart and a fearless spirit. Let your light shine brightly, as a beacon for others who walk this path. In the unity of our spirits, in the harmony of our intentions, we are co-creating a world not just for ourselves, but for generations to come.

May the steps we have explored guide you in your daily walk. May the love and light you hold within illuminate the darkest corners of our shared reality. And may your journey to the New Earth be filled with wonder, joy, and an unyielding belief in the power of the human spirit to transcend, transform, and triumph.

