Unlocking the Mysteries of ‘As Above, So Below’: A Journey Through Cosmic Reflections

Soul Compass
5 min readApr 22, 2024


Today, we embark on a journey through the ancient and enigmatic principle of “As Above, So Below.” This timeless axiom holds the key to understanding the universe’s vast web of connections — linking the stars in the heavens to the deepest parts of our psyche. From the celestial dance of planets to the subtle workings of our inner thoughts, we explore how this grand cosmic mirror reflects the fundamental truths of existence. So, tune in, open your mind, and prepare to discover the hidden meanings that connect the macrocosm of the cosmos to the microcosm of our lives.

In the mystical expanse of our universe, the ancient phrase “As Above, So Below” weaves a tapestry of interconnectedness that transcends the confines of time and space. Rooted deeply in the Hermetic tradition, this profound wisdom invites us to see the universe not as a series of separate occurrences but as a harmonious whole where every level of reality is interconnected.

Let us consider the grand dance of the cosmos, where celestial bodies orbit in the vastness of space. This macrocosm, majestic in its scope, mirrors itself in the microcosm of our very atoms and particles. Just as planets follow their paths dictated by the laws of physics, so too do the smallest elements of matter follow similar rules. Here, in the echo between the large and the small, lies a universal symmetry, a hint that everything in the universe is intricately linked.

Diving deeper into the mystery, “As Above, So Below” also reflects how our inner worlds — our thoughts, emotions, and intentions — are not merely personal experiences but are deeply connected to the universe at large. Our inner turmoil and tranquility are not isolated but are reflections of the broader cosmic play. The way we think and feel can influence and shape the external world through a dynamic interplay of cause and effect, revealing that the cosmos and the self are not two, but one.

The ancient principle of “As Above, So Below” resonates through modern-day fields with a compelling force, revealing a web of connections that span from the furthest corners of the cosmos to the inner workings of our minds. In the realms of psychology, spirituality, and even quantum physics, this timeless wisdom offers a profound understanding of the intricate interplay between all facets of existence.

In psychology, especially within the depths of the human psyche, the principle illuminates the connections between our innermost thoughts and the external world. Depth psychology delves into this interplay, with Carl Jung’s notion of synchronicity serving as a pivotal concept. Synchronicity proposes that events are “meaningful coincidences” if they occur with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related. Here, the boundary between the psychological interior and the external events begins to blur, suggesting a hidden order beneath the surface chaos of life.

Moving into the spiritual realm, the interconnectedness espoused by “As Above, So Below” takes on a divine connotation. Spiritual traditions across the world embrace this interconnected unity, fostering a profound bond with the cosmos through meditative practices, prayer, and contemplation. These practices help us tune into the cosmic symphony in which every life form, every thought, and every action plays an integral part. This spiritual interconnectedness isn’t just about unity among beings — it’s about a collective resonance that aligns the individual soul with the universal spirit.

Delving into the Principle of Polarity, we uncover that the world is not merely a place of isolated opposites but a realm where each pair of opposites is deeply intertwined and interdependent. This principle teaches us that phenomena often considered contradictory — such as light and dark, growth and decay, joy and sorrow — are actually complementary. Each pole exists only because of its counterpart, suggesting a holistic view of reality that transcends black-and-white, dualistic thinking. By embracing both sides of these apparent dichotomies, we learn to see the world not as fragmented and polarized but as a harmonious unity with multiple facets of the same truth.

When we apply the concept of correspondence to our personal growth, it serves as a powerful tool for self-reflection and transformation. By recognizing and aligning with the subtle energies and patterns of life, we can navigate our personal journeys more effectively. This practice involves observing the echoes between the macrocosm of the universe and our individual microcosm. Understanding these reflections helps us to synchronize our internal rhythm with the external world, allowing for a more profound personal evolution that is in tune with the larger dynamics at play.

In the realm of interpersonal relationships, the principle of correspondence has profound implications. By recognizing the interconnected nature of our existence, we can enhance empathy, improve communication, and deepen our connections with others. Seeing how our own thoughts, feelings, and actions mirror and influence those around us encourages a more empathetic approach to interactions. This understanding fosters a space where effective communication can flourish, leading to relationships that are not only more understanding but also more enriching. Thus, by applying these age-old principles, we not only improve our individual lives but also contribute to a more compassionate and connected world.

In our quest to master the ancient principle of correspondence in our daily lives, mindfulness and journaling emerge as vital tools, each offering a unique pathway to greater self-awareness and alignment with the universal currents. Mindfulness invites us into the present moment, encouraging us to observe our thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment. This practice illuminates the microcosmic patterns within us, reflecting broader cosmic truths, thereby enhancing our connection to both ourselves and the world around us.

Journaling complements mindfulness by providing a tangible record of our inner journey. Through the regular discipline of writing down our thoughts and experiences, we can trace the patterns of our life, identify recurring themes, and clarify our desires. This introspective practice allows us to see the reflections of the macrocosm in our personal microcosm, fostering a deeper understanding of how universal forces shape our individual experiences.

As we delve deeper into personal insights, advanced techniques such as tarot and astrology offer profound tools for guidance. These ancient divinatory practices, based on the principle of correspondence, use symbolic and celestial languages to mirror the universal patterns at play in our lives. Tarot cards and astrological charts act as mirrors, reflecting our deepest selves and the potential paths before us. They provide clarity and direction, helping us to navigate life’s complexities by aligning our personal journey with the rhythms of the cosmos.

As we wrap up our exploration of these mystical dimensions, let us carry forward the wisdom of “As Above, So Below” in our hearts and minds. By integrating mindfulness, journaling, and divinatory practices into our daily routines, we not only deepen our understanding of ourselves but also our connection to the universe. In this continuous dance of reflection and growth, we find the keys to unlocking our potential and understanding the intricate tapestry of existence that weaves together all things. Let this journey be a reminder of the profound unity and harmony that awaits us when we align with the deeper rhythms of life.

