The Hidden Power of Metatron’s Cube

Soul Compass
6 min readNov 9, 2023


From the ancient halls of Platonic philosophy to the spiritual realms of the archangels, we’ll unravel the enigma of Metatron’s Cube. A symbol of energy, harmony, and the building blocks of all that is. So, close your eyes for a moment, take a deep breath, and prepare to dive deep into the mysticism of sacred geometry. Let the mysteries unfold..

In the vast tapestry of sacred geometry, a profound symbol emerges, whispering secrets of the cosmos: Metatron’s Cube. Guarded and guided by the ethereal Archangel Metatron, known as the angel of life, this intricate design pulses with a divine energy. It’s not just a mere symbol; it is a cosmic map, encapsulating every geometric form that the Divine has whispered into existence. Within its complex lines and patterns lie the very blueprints of creation, the fundamental building blocks that sculpt the universe and all matter within it. As we delve deeper into its mysteries, we discover that the patterns of the cube are more than just shapes; they are the DNA of the universe, the sacred codes that bind the stars, the earth, and everything in between. To understand Metatron’s Cube is to catch a glimpse of the heartbeat of existence itself.

In the realm of sacred geometry, where the ethereal meets the tangible, the Platonic Solids hold a place of reverence. Encased within the confines of Metatron’s Cube, these timeless shapes bear the wisdom of the ancients. The great philosopher Plato, in his quest for understanding, saw these forms as bridges, connecting the celestial spirit world of the heavens with the tangible elements of Earth. But their magic doesn’t stop at mere philosophy. These geometric wonders manifest in the very fabric of our reality. From the intricate lattice of crystals that emerge from the heart of the Earth to the spiraling patterns of our own DNA, the Platonic Solids are the silent architects of the universe. They are the harmonious notes in the symphony of creation, echoing the interconnectedness of all things.

In the echoing halls of time, where ancient wisdom intertwines with modern thought, voices of scholars rise, each offering a unique lens to view the enigma of sacred geometry. Rose VanDen Eynden, with a touch of poetic insight, beckons us to see the world as a divine masterpiece. Through the intricate patterns and cosmic designs, she believes we can glimpse the hand of the Creator, weaving a narrative of unity, all emanating from a singular Divine Mind.

On the other hand, Ralph Shepherd takes us on a more intimate journey, focusing on the cube, a cornerstone of Metatron’s sacred design. In his eyes, the cube is not just a shape but a profound symbol of divine craftsmanship. It signifies the meticulous care with which God has pieced together the universe. Yet, within its geometric confines lies an even deeper mystery: the sphere. Shepherd sees this as a harmonious dance between the tangible and the ethereal, the body and the soul. The cube, representing our earthly existence, and the sphere within, a reminder of the eternal spirit that resides in us all.

Amidst the vast cosmos, where stars dance and galaxies spiral, lies a force, a sacred energy that binds all of creation. The cube, a symbol steeped in ancient wisdom, becomes a conduit for this divine power. Envision the energy of the universe, guided by the ethereal hands of Metatron, coursing through the veins of this cube, reaching out to every corner, every shadow, every whisper of existence.

This is not just energy in its raw form. It is a symphony of harmony, balance, and equilibrium, reflecting the intricate balance of nature itself. Like the gentle ebb and flow of the ocean tides, or the delicate balance of day and night, the cube embodies this cosmic dance of stability.

For those seeking a deeper connection, a moment of solace, or a meditative anchor, the cube becomes more than a symbol; it transforms into a visual compass. A focal point that draws the mind, heart, and spirit into a state of unity, helping one tap into the ageless energies of the universe and find their own center of balance.

In the vast expanse of human consciousness, where thoughts weave and emotions surge, there lies a tool of profound transformation: the cube of sacred geometry. This enigmatic symbol, steeped in ancient wisdom, becomes a wellspring of inspiration for souls wandering the pathways of existence. To gaze upon the cube is to glimpse a mosaic of cosmic patterns, each piece a testament to the timeless energies of the universe.

Yet, its power extends beyond mere visual wonder. It serves as a portal, a gateway to the depths of one’s own spirit. By meditating upon its intricate designs, one can embark on a voyage inward, navigating the hidden corridors of the mind and heart. The ancients, with their profound wisdom, believed in the transformative might of these sacred patterns. They held that immersing oneself in the dance of geometry could unlock inner portals, granting access to the secrets of the Divine.

In this silent communion with the cube, one isn’t just observing; they are evolving, transmuting, and journeying towards a higher realm of understanding and enlightenment.

In the shimmering realms of cosmic healing, where energies intertwine and destinies are shaped, Metatron’s Cube emerges as a beacon of restoration. Doreen Virtue, a luminary in spiritual circles, unveils the profound capabilities of this sacred geometric marvel. Guided by the ethereal touch of Archangel Metatron, the cube becomes an instrument of divine intervention. It pulsates, drawing in the fragmented and discordant energies, refining them, and releasing only purity and harmony back into the cosmos.

But its gifts are not limited to mere energetic cleansing. The cube holds within its intricate design the keys to deeper wisdom, understanding, and enlightenment. It serves as both a teacher and a healer, illuminating pathways previously hidden and mending wounds of the soul. Some even say that in the hands of a true master, the cube can dance with the very fabric of time itself, bending and shaping it in ways beyond human comprehension.

To engage with Metatron’s Cube is to step into a dance with the universe, where healing flows, insights blossom, and the boundaries of what we know are gracefully expanded.

In the ever-evolving journey of the soul, where the quest for self-discovery and enlightenment unfurls, there stands a symbol of profound metamorphosis: the enigmatic Cube. Stephen Linsteadt, a visionary in his own right, casts a new light upon this age-old emblem, revealing its potential as a catalyst for personal transformation.

The Cube is not merely a geometric figure; it’s a sacred key, unlocking doors to deeper realms of consciousness. Within its symmetrical boundaries lies a portal, beckoning individuals to embark on a voyage beyond the mundane, to touch the very essence of the Infinite. As one engages with the Cube, it becomes more than a visual marvel; it transforms into a spiritual compass, guiding seekers towards realms of higher understanding, bridging the finite with the boundless.

In the embrace of the Cube, one finds the promise of rebirth, the potential for growth, and the path to connect with the vast, cosmic tapestry that weaves us all.

As we journey through the corridors of time and consciousness, the Cube stands as a beacon, illuminating paths both ancient and undiscovered. From its sacred geometry to its profound influence on healing and transformation, it is a testament to the universe’s intricate design and our place within it. With guides like Stephen Linsteadt and Doreen Virtue, we’ve delved into its mysteries, only to find that the true journey lies within each one of us. As we draw this exploration to a close, remember that the Cube is not just a symbol but a reflection of our own infinite potential. Let it be a reminder that the cosmos’s wonders are mirrored within our very souls, waiting to be unlocked.

