Starseeds and lightworkers who have chosen Ascension must prepare immediately

Soul Compass
7 min readJun 21, 2024


Welcome to Soul Compass, where we navigate the cosmic currents and unveil the mysteries of the universe.

This week, we find ourselves on the brink of a powerful energy vortex, a swirling maelstrom of celestial forces that peaks with the solstice portal on June 20th. This moment marks a significant turning point, where the energies of the universe converge to open a gateway of transformation and awakening.

In the days leading up to the solstice, the sun’s activity intensifies, with the potential for X-class solar flares illuminating our skies. These flares carry potent energies that interact with our own, enhancing our consciousness and preparing us for the shifts to come. As the sun reaches its zenith, it pours its radiant light upon us, a beacon guiding us towards higher realms of awareness.

On June 21st, the sun transitions into the sign of Cancer, heralding a profound shift in our energetic landscape. The energies become softer, more nurturing, inviting us to embrace receptivity and flow. This shift emphasizes the importance of nurturing ourselves and those around us, fostering a sense of care and compassion that resonates deeply within our souls.

In this mystical moment, we are called to align with the rhythms of the cosmos, to open our hearts to the transformative energies of the solstice, and to prepare ourselves for the journey ahead. The celestial dance continues, guiding us towards greater harmony and higher states of being.

As the solstice energy settles, the full moon in Capricorn rises on June 22nd, casting its powerful glow upon us. This lunar event illuminates the emotional landscape of our homes and families, bringing to the surface issues that have long been hidden. Pluto, in its retrograde motion, amplifies this introspection, urging us to confront and transform the deeper layers of our emotional bonds and ancestral patterns.

This week is undeniably powerful and intense, a cosmic invitation to prioritize self-care. The energies are shifting, and we must nurture ourselves to navigate these turbulent waters. As we prepare for the significant energetic shifts promised by the upcoming Lion’s Gate in August, our well-being becomes paramount.

In the midst of these transformative times, Archangel Michael’s wisdom shines brightly. He advises us to access the principle of joy, to focus on what brings us true happiness. By making our lives an expression of deep, soulful joy, we can overcome the challenges that lie ahead. Joy is not just a fleeting emotion but a profound state of being that aligns us with the higher frequencies of love and light.

As the energies peak on June 20th, the solstice brings a powerful slowdown, a moment of profound stillness that affects those on the ascension path. This energetic shift can manifest as feelings of heaviness, discomfort, and fatigue, a natural response to the deep transformations taking place within our beings. It’s as if the universe pauses, allowing us to recalibrate and realign with our higher selves.

During this time, heightened sensitivity and increased consciousness become our companions. We find ourselves more attuned to the subtle energies around us, sensing the whispers of the cosmos and the vibrations of higher realms. This enhanced awareness opens doors to deeper spiritual insights and connections, guiding us towards our soul’s true path.

With this heightened state of being, there is a profound sense of alignment with our purpose. The solstice acts as a cosmic mirror, reflecting back our deepest intentions and aspirations. We gain a clearer perspective on our ascension journey, understanding the steps we need to take and the growth we are here to embrace. This alignment brings a sense of peace and clarity, anchoring us in our divine mission.

As we navigate this solstice slowdown, let us honor the process, embracing the discomfort as a sign of our ongoing transformation. The energies of the universe support our journey, helping us rise to new heights of consciousness and spiritual fulfillment.

The solstice slowdown is intricately woven into the dance of planetary orbits around the sun, a celestial choreography that affects Earth’s weather and climate patterns. As the planets align and shift, they create a ripple effect, influencing the energies we experience and the very atmosphere that surrounds us.

This period of energetic shifts serves as a cosmic balance point, a moment of equilibrium before we transition into the Planetary New Year on July 26th and the powerful Lion’s Gate in August. It’s a time to pause and realign, to harmonize our energies with the greater rhythms of the universe.

In this sacred interval, we experience rapid evolution, a swift movement towards a new Earth timeline. The ascension process accelerates, urging us to operate from a place of love, light, and truth. This transformation is profound, calling us to embody our highest potential and to illuminate our path with the radiance of our true essence.

As we journey through these celestial events, we are reminded of our interconnectedness with the cosmos. The planetary influences guide us, the energetic shifts realign us, and the rapid evolution propels us forward. In this mystical dance, we find our place within the grand tapestry of the universe, ever-evolving towards a higher state of being.

Our human bodies are magnificent vessels of self-healing, possessing the innate strength to endure and adapt to the ongoing changes of our evolving reality. During the solstice season, this ability is further amplified. Solar energy and diamond light codes are activated, infusing us with healing vibrations that rejuvenate our physical and spiritual selves. This celestial energy works deeply within us, mending and revitalizing our very essence.

This sacred time also serves as a preparation for ascension. We are being harmonized with the planetary energy, aligning our frequencies with the collective shifts towards higher consciousness. As we attune to these cosmic rhythms, we become more attuned to our divine purpose and the interconnected web of life. This alignment helps us to navigate the ascension journey with greater clarity and grace, embracing our roles as co-creators of a new reality.

Furthermore, the influx of photonic plasma during this period enables us to make quantum leaps into multi-dimensional aspects of ourselves. These energetic surges propel us beyond the confines of linear time and space, allowing us to explore and integrate the vast potentials of our multi-dimensional being. It’s a time of profound transformation, where we are invited to expand our awareness and embrace the limitless possibilities that lie ahead.

As we move through this solstice gateway, let us honor our self-healing abilities, prepare for ascension, and courageously take these quantum leaps into the unknown. The universe is guiding us, and the light within us is our beacon. Together, we ascend, heal, and evolve into the luminous beings we are destined to become.

Archangel Metatron imparts a profound wisdom: to truly embrace love, we must first acknowledge our fears. Fear, often seen as an obstacle, is actually a gateway to profound spiritual growth and development. It offers us opportunities to delve deep within, to understand our vulnerabilities, and to transform them into strengths.

Balancing fear and love is an intricate dance, one that allows us to experience the full spectrum of our emotions. When we recognize and face our fears, we open ourselves to a greater capacity for love. Fear and love are interconnected, each enhancing the expression of the other. This dynamic interplay creates a powerful catalyst for personal and spiritual evolution.

The journey of spiritual growth is a constant transition between fear and love. As we navigate this path, we gain significant insights and enlightenment. Every encounter with fear is an invitation to expand our consciousness and deepen our connection to the divine. It is through this process that we evolve, shedding old patterns and embracing our true essence.

In this mystical journey, fear becomes a revered teacher, guiding us toward the embrace of love. By acknowledging and integrating our fears, we unlock the potential for profound transformation and spiritual awakening. This path is not always easy, but it is in the balance of fear and love that we find our greatest strength and enlightenment.

The journey of healing and transformation is one of profound alchemy, where we balance and transmute fear into love. This sacred process deepens our connection with the divine energies that flow through us and around us. By embracing our fears and allowing love to transform them, we align ourselves with the higher frequencies of spiritual truth and wisdom.

Archangel Michael gently guides us towards cultivating inner peace, a state of serenity that is foundational to our spiritual growth. He encourages us to recognize and acknowledge our negative thoughts, not as burdens, but as opportunities for transformation. Through this awareness, we can consciously shift our mindset, turning shadows into light, and doubts into affirmations of love.

Central to this process is the practice of awareness and observation. By inviting our thoughts into the light of our consciousness, we allow them to transform. We become witnesses to our inner dialogue, embracing our thoughts without judgment, and gently guiding them towards positivity and love. This mindful practice creates a space where negative energies can be transmuted, paving the way for healing and a deeper connection to our divine essence.

In this mystical dance of transformation, we find our true power. By balancing fear with love, cultivating inner peace, and embracing our thoughts with awareness, we embark on a journey of profound spiritual evolution. It is a path that leads us ever closer to the divine, to a state of harmony and unity with the universal energies that guide and sustain us.

As we conclude this journey, let us remember the power of gratitude and love. Gratitude is the key that opens our hearts to the abundance of the universe, allowing us to see the beauty in every moment, even in the challenges we face. By expressing gratitude for our journey, we honor the lessons learned and the growth achieved.

Focusing on spreading love and positive energy is our divine mission. Every act of kindness, every thought of compassion, sends ripples of light into the world, uplifting not only ourselves but also those around us. Love is the highest vibration, a force that transcends all boundaries and connects us to the infinite source of all creation.

In this sacred space of gratitude and love, we find our true purpose. We become beacons of light, channels of divine energy, and vessels of unconditional love. Let us embrace this calling with open hearts, radiating love and positivity in all that we do.

Thank you for joining us on this mystical journey. May your path be filled with love, light, and the boundless blessings of the universe.

