Observer Effect: If you don’t change THIS, reality will NEVER change

Soul Compass
11 min readDec 29, 2023


In today’s journey, we delve into the realms of the mind, where thoughts weave the tapestry of reality and attention breathes life into our deepest visions.

In the vast ocean of consciousness, our minds are like vessels, navigating through waves of thoughts and undercurrents of beliefs. Here, in this sacred space, we explore how the anchor of our attention, when cast in the waters of our true vision, can hold steadfast against the tides of distraction and the storms of doubt.

In the grand tapestry of existence, where every thread is woven by the hands of our thoughts and intentions, there lies a profound truth — the truth of Focus on Harmony with Vision. Imagine your vision as a beacon of light in the vast darkness of possibility. It calls to you, a siren song of potential and purpose. As we set our gaze upon this luminous guide, our attention becomes the vessel that sails toward it, driven by the winds of our will.

Energy, the unseen force that animates the cosmos, follows the path of our focus. Like a river flowing towards the ocean, our energy moves where our attention goes. When we center our minds on what aligns with our vision, we give life to our aspirations. We breathe existence into our dreams, nurturing them with the power of our concentrated thought. In this mystical dance, our focused intentions shape the reality we experience, crafting our destiny with the brushstrokes of our persistent thoughts.

Now, let us turn to the sacred art of Understanding Attention and Concentration. In the realm of mind culture, these are not just tools; they are the very pillars upon which the temple of success is built. Across ages and civilizations, the greatest of minds have shared a common thread — a mastery over the focus of their attention. To concentrate is to channel the vastness of our mental power into a single point, like sunlight through a magnifying glass, burning bright and hot upon the kindling of our goals.

In this world, where distractions are as plentiful as stars in the night sky, the ability to hold one’s attention steady is akin to possessing a magical power. It is this power that separates the truly successful from the wandering dreamers. For to dream is human, but to focus, to concentrate — that is divine.

As we explore these mystical concepts, remember that within you lies the power to shape your reality. Your attention is the wand by which you cast spells upon the fabric of your life, weaving patterns of success, fulfillment, and enlightenment.

In the labyrinth of the mind, where thoughts flutter like leaves in a tempest, the art of Mental Concentration emerges as a beacon of clarity and purpose. Envision your mind as a garden — diverse, wild, and beautiful. Yet, within this garden, weeds of distraction and doubt often sprout, clouding the paths to our true intentions. Here, the benefits of mental concentration shine like rays of sunlight, piercing through the overgrowth, revealing the path to our innermost desires.

When we harness the power of concentration, we anchor our attention to the tasks that resonate with our soul’s calling. This focused attention acts as a purifier, sifting through the sands of our thoughts, separating the grains of truth from the chaff of limiting beliefs. As we refine our focus, the mind becomes a mirror, reflecting a clear and undistorted vision of our true potential. In this clarity, our thoughts align with the precision of a craftsman’s tools, shaping our reality with accuracy and intention.

Now, let us turn our gaze to the Power of Attention. Imagine attention as a magnifying glass, a simple yet profound tool. In its essence, it is but a lens, yet its power lies in its ability to focus. When we direct the magnifying glass of our attention towards the sunlight of our passions and goals, something miraculous occurs. The scattered rays of light, once diffused and gentle, converge into a point of intense energy. This focused beam becomes a force of transformation, capable of igniting the tinder of our aspirations into a blazing fire of achievement.

This metaphor illuminates the essence of concentrated attention. It is not merely about seeing; it is about focusing, channeling the vast expanse of our mental energies into a singular point. When we achieve this level of focus, the impact is undeniable. It burns away the fog of indecision, melts the chains of procrastination, and forges the steel of our will into the sword of action.

As we journey through the realms of our consciousness, let us embrace the power of mental concentration and focused attention. These are not mere concepts but ancient keys that unlock the doors to our deepest potential and highest achievements.

In the silent spaces of our inner world, where the whispers of the soul echo, we encounter the timeless wisdom of Fulfillment from Within. Picture a wellspring deep within you, a source of infinite joy and contentment, its waters pure and untouched by the external world. This wellspring symbolizes the essence of true fulfillment — a treasure that lies not in the outer realms of material gain or accolades but in the sacred depths of our being.

In our quest for happiness, we often set sail on turbulent seas, chasing the mirages of external validation and accomplishment. Yet, these pursuits, like scattered rays of attention, only lead us further away from the tranquil shores of our inner sanctuary. The truth, as ancient as the stars, whispers that all fulfillment we seek is already within us, waiting to be acknowledged and embraced. When we realize this, the incessant yearning for external sources of happiness dissolves, revealing the luminous reality of our own complete and inherent wholeness.

As we embrace this inner fulfillment, let us contemplate the mystical Pyramid of Life. Imagine a pyramid, majestic and resplendent, each stone a testament to the journey of self-discovery and realization. At its base lies the universal mind, ‘the all’, an infinite ocean of consciousness from which all creation springs. This foundation represents the unity of all existence, the interconnected web of life where every thought, every dream, is woven into the fabric of the cosmos.

Ascending the pyramid, we find the realm of individual realization. Here, each soul awakens to its unique purpose, its divine blueprint. This level of the pyramid resonates with the discovery of our true selves, the unveiling of our innermost desires and visions. It is a sacred dance of becoming, a journey of aligning our personal will with the universal will.

At the pinnacle of the pyramid shines the actualization of visions. It is here that dreams crystallize into reality, where the abstract becomes concrete. This apex symbolizes the manifestation of our deepest aspirations, the culmination of our inner work. As our visions materialize, they reflect not only our personal triumphs but also the eternal cycle of creation and manifestation that dances through the universe.

In this mystical exploration of Fulfillment from Within and the Pyramid of Life, we are reminded that our greatest treasures lie not in the external world but in the depths of our soul. The journey of self-discovery and realization is a path leading us back to ourselves, where true fulfillment resides.

In the realm of creation and innovation, where entrepreneurs forge their destinies, lies the sacred art of Flow-based Attention. Picture the entrepreneur as a master alchemist, transforming visions into reality. In this alchemical process, the focus is the crucible where ideas are refined and manifested. When entrepreneurs align their attention with their vision, a harmonious flow emerges, like a river effortlessly carving its path through the landscape.

This flow-based attention is akin to a dance with the cosmos, where each step, each movement is guided by the rhythm of their deepest intentions. In this state, ideas arise spontaneously, not as random sparks, but as stars born from the nebulae of their focused minds. These ideas are the seeds of transformation, potent with the potential to revolutionize their ventures and impact the world. As entrepreneurs nurture these seeds with unwavering focus, their businesses evolve, mirroring the growth and expansion of their inner vision.

Now, let us turn to the mystical tapestry woven by Thought Power and Concentration. In the universe of our minds, thoughts are like birds in flight — free, unbound, and myriad. Yet, without direction, these thoughts can scatter like leaves in the wind, leading us away from our true path. The power of concentration, then, is the art of calling these birds to roost, of gathering the scattered whispers of our mind into a focused chorus.

By harnessing the power of concentrated thought, we create a laser-like focus that cuts through the distractions and illusions of the external world. It is in this focused state that our intentions are honed, sharpened like a blade by the whetstone of our will. When we direct this sharpened intention towards our goals, the impossible becomes possible, the unseen becomes visible, and the unmanifest becomes manifest.

In the practice of Thought Power and Concentration, we find not just a method, but a sacred ritual. It is a ritual of bringing our inner world into alignment with our outer actions, of weaving the fabric of our dreams into the tapestry of reality. For the entrepreneur, this ritual becomes a daily devotion — a devotion to the vision that calls to them, a devotion to the journey of bringing that vision to life.

In the sacred garden of the mind, where thoughts bloom and wither like flowers, the practice of Mind Purification stands as a vital ritual. Envision this garden being tended with the utmost care, where only the most nourishing thoughts are allowed to flourish. One such nurturing practice is the 7-Day Mental Diet, a powerful technique for maintaining a focus on thoughts and beliefs that resonate with our highest selves.

Imagine embarking on this mental diet, a journey of seven days where each thought is chosen with intention, like selecting the finest food for a feast. During this time, the mind is cleansed of the debris of negativity, doubt, and limiting beliefs. Each day, we feed our minds with thoughts of positivity, possibility, and alignment with our true vision. This practice is not just a cleanse; it’s a rebirth, a transformation of the mental landscape, where the seeds of our deepest desires are sown in the fertile soil of a purified mind.

Now, let us turn to the mystical art of Overcoming Obstacles with Depolarization. In our journey, we often encounter barriers, external challenges that reflect our inner conflicts and reactive beliefs. Depolarization is the alchemical process of neutralizing these reactive beliefs, transforming the lead of our fears and doubts into the gold of clarity and focused intention.

Imagine encountering an obstacle, a mountain in your path. Instead of allowing reactive beliefs to dictate your course, you pause, breathe, and depolarize. In this sacred moment of stillness, you disengage from the polarizing emotions and thoughts. You become the calm center of the storm, where clarity resides. From this place of neutrality, you realign with your vision, your true north, and the mountain before you becomes a stepping stone, an opportunity for growth and evolution.

The practice of depolarization in the face of obstacles is not just a technique; it’s a dance with the universe. It’s an acknowledgment that every challenge is an invitation to realign with our highest selves, to refocus our vision, and to continue our journey with renewed purpose and strength.

As we embrace these practices of mind purification and depolarization, we empower ourselves to navigate the journey of life with grace, wisdom, and unwavering focus on our true path.

Within the ancient texts of wisdom, such as ‘The Kybalion’, lies the arcane knowledge of Mental Transmutation — a process as enigmatic as alchemy itself. Picture this as the ability to transform the lead of our baser thoughts and emotions into the gold of higher mental states. Mental Transmutation is not mere change; it is a metamorphosis of our inner world, akin to the caterpillar’s transformation into a butterfly. It involves shifting the very fabric of our mental landscape, turning fear into courage, despair into hope, and confusion into clarity.

This mystical process requires us not just to change our thoughts but to transmute them, to alter their very essence. As we apply this ancient art, we realize that our mental states are as malleable as clay in the potter’s hands. With practice and intention, we mold our thoughts and emotions, crafting them into forms that serve our highest purpose. In this sacred alchemy, we are both the alchemist and the crucible, the creator and the creation.

Turning our gaze inward, we now explore the potent art of making Impressions on the Subconscious Mind. Envision the subconscious as a vast, fertile field, unseen yet omnipresent. It is here that the seeds of our thoughts and beliefs are planted, silently shaping the landscape of our reality. To impress upon this subconscious field is to plant the seeds of our deepest desires and visions.

The process is subtle yet powerful, like the gentle touch of a painter adding hues to a canvas. We impress upon the subconscious through repetition, emotion, and vivid imagery. When we imbue our visions with the vibrant colors of our emotions and repeat them with the rhythm of a heartbeat, they take root in this hidden garden of the mind. Over time, these impressions blossom into the experiences of our waking life, painting our reality with the brushstrokes of our deepest intentions.

The journey of impressing upon the subconscious is a joyous one, for it is here that we become the architects of our destiny. We sculpt our dreams in the ethereal clay of the subconscious, and as we do, our visions begin to crystallize in the world around us, creating a life that is a true reflection of our innermost desires.

In the grand tapestry of our mental universe, the practice of Depolarization emerges as a powerful tool for liberation from the shackles of limiting beliefs. Imagine these beliefs as chains woven from the threads of past experiences and societal conditioning, binding us to a reality that does not resonate with our true essence. Depolarization is the process of dissolving these chains, not by force, but by a gentle release of identification with them.

As we depolarize, we step back from the canvas of our thoughts, observing them as an artist observes their work — detached yet deeply aware. In this state of heightened awareness, we allow our attention to realign with our vision, our true north. The limiting beliefs, once so loud and insistent, become mere whispers, drowned out by the clarion call of our aspirations. This is depolarization in action — a subtle yet profound realignment of our mental compass.

Now, let us turn to the sanctuary of our inner being, where the truth of Acknowledging Fulfillment resides. Here, in the quiet depths of our soul, lies the recognition that fulfillment is not a distant land to be reached, but a territory that we already inhabit. The journey, then, becomes not one of seeking, but of acknowledging — acknowledging that the joy, the peace, the sense of completeness we seek is already within us.

In this acknowledgment, our attention shifts naturally towards the experiences that resonate with this inner fulfillment. It is as if a light has been turned on in a dark room, revealing the treasures that were always there. This realization empowers us to navigate life’s journey with a sense of grace and ease, drawing to us the experiences that mirror our inner wholeness.

As we near the end of our mystical exploration, let us anchor these insights with the practice of Auto Suggestion for Focus. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and repeat with intention: ‘I am the master of my focus. My attention flows effortlessly towards my vision, nourishing it, giving it life. In this focused state, my dreams and reality converge, weaving a tapestry of fulfillment that reflects my truest self.’

Carry this mantra with you as a beacon of light, guiding you back to your path whenever the shadows of distraction loom. Remember, you are the artist of your reality, the sculptor of your destiny, and the author of your life’s story.

And so, as our journey comes to a close, let us step forward with renewed purpose and clarity, our hearts alight with the knowledge that within us lies the power to shape our world. Thank you for joining me on this voyage through the mystical realms of the mind. May your path be illuminated with wisdom, and your life be a reflection of your deepest, most authentic self.

