From Archangel Michael to Starseeds

Soul Compass
8 min readMay 18, 2024


Today, we gather under the divine guidance of Archangel Michael to prepare for an extraordinary journey — a journey that transcends time and space, leading us towards the dawn of a New Universe.

As 2025 approaches, the gateway to this luminous realm begins to open, inviting us to embrace higher frequencies of love and light. This is not merely a change; it is a monumental evolution, a calling that resonates deeply within the hearts of all Starseeds and Lightworkers.

You, dear ones, have chosen to incarnate on Earth at this pivotal moment. You are the harbingers of a new age, the torchbearers leading humanity from the shadows of old energies into the radiant fields of divine light. The time for awakening is now. Listen closely to the whispers of your soul, recognize the profound knowledge within, and prepare to step into your true essence.

As the cosmic energies shift and the celestial alignments guide us, we stand on the brink of a profound transformation. The year 2025 heralds the opening of a gateway to a New Universe, a realm where higher frequencies of love and light permeate every existence. This is not merely a change but a monumental evolution, a call to elevate our consciousness and embrace our divine purpose.

The Starseeds among us, souls of ancient wisdom and light, have been chosen for this sacred mission. They are here to guide humanity through this transition, leading us from the old, dense energies into the new realms of radiant light. This journey requires us to listen closely to our inner voices, to the whispers of our souls that hold the profound truth of our existence.

As the gateway to the New Universe opens, it invites us to align with these higher frequencies, to prepare ourselves for a new way of being. It is a time to recognize and honor our true essence, to awaken to the deep knowledge within, and to step boldly into our roles as bearers of light.

Embracing this transition means tuning into the subtle energies around us, feeling the cosmic shifts, and preparing our minds and spirits for the journey ahead. It is a call to rise above the old patterns, to release what no longer serves us, and to embrace the infinite potential that lies within.

The New Universe awaits, a realm of harmony, growth, and divine light. As we prepare for this journey, let us open our hearts and minds to the possibilities that lie ahead, ready to step into a new era of existence.

Transitioning to the new universe is a journey of aligning with higher frequencies of love and light. This sacred process calls for a deep awakening within us, a profound shift in our consciousness. It is through this awakening that our infinite potential begins to activate, illuminating the path ahead with divine clarity and purpose.

As we elevate our vibrations, we become attuned to the higher frequencies that resonate with our true essence. This alignment is not merely a physical shift but a spiritual ascension, inviting us to embrace the purest forms of love and light. The journey may challenge us, but it is within these challenges that our true strength and potential are revealed.

The battle with darkness is an integral part of this transition, symbolizing the old energies that we must transcend. Darkness, though daunting, holds valuable lessons and opportunities for growth. It is through facing these shadows that we discover the resilience of our spirit and the depth of our courage.

Embracing the darkness with an open heart allows us to find the hidden seeds of wisdom and strength within. Each step forward, taken with courage and determination, transforms the darkness into light. This alchemical process is essential for our spiritual evolution, guiding us towards the radiant new realms of existence.

As we progress on this path, let us remember that the light within us is powerful enough to overcome any shadow. The journey to the new universe is one of balance, where we learn to harmonize the dualities of light and dark, emerging stronger and more enlightened. Together, we move towards a future where love and light reign supreme, guiding us into the next phase of our divine journey.

The new universe is a realm where harmony, growth, and the fusion of spiritual and material existence define our reality. It is a place where the boundaries between the physical and the spiritual dissolve, allowing us to experience life in its most holistic form. Here, every moment is an opportunity for expansion, and every interaction is imbued with the essence of divine love and unity.

To fully embrace this new universe, we must undergo a profound inner cleansing. This involves releasing the fears and limitations that have bound us to the old energies. By letting go of these constraints, we open ourselves to the infinite possibilities that await us. Our hearts and minds must be free from the shadows of doubt, ready to receive the light and wisdom of the higher realms.

The strength of our journey lies in the connections we foster within the Starseed community. Strengthening these bonds is essential, as it is through mutual support and collective evolution that we can navigate this transformative path. Each Starseed brings unique gifts and insights, and by coming together, we amplify our collective light and wisdom.

Encouraging mutual support within our community creates a powerful network of energy and love. Together, we can share our experiences, offer guidance, and uplift one another, ensuring that no one walks this path alone. This collective evolution is not just about personal growth but about contributing to the ascension of all beings and the planet itself.

As we journey into the new universe, let us embrace the harmony and growth that it offers. By cleansing our inner selves and strengthening our communal bonds, we step into a reality where spiritual and material existence merge, creating a life filled with purpose, love, and infinite potential.

Achieving harmony with Earth is a fundamental aspect of our spiritual journey. Our planet, a living, breathing entity, is intricately connected to our well-being and evolution. It is crucial to honor this sacred relationship by engaging in activities that strengthen our bond with nature. Whether it’s through meditative walks in the forest, tending to a garden, or simply appreciating the beauty of a sunset, these actions deepen our connection to Earth and attune us to her rhythms.

Environmentally conscious actions are also vital. By making sustainable choices, reducing waste, and protecting natural habitats, we contribute to the healing of our planet. These mindful practices not only preserve the Earth’s vitality but also enhance our spiritual harmony, aligning us with the greater cosmic flow.

Guidance from higher beings is always available to us, offering support through intuition, dreams, and synchronicities. These benevolent entities, whether they are angels, spirit guides, or ascended masters, communicate in subtle yet profound ways. It is essential to remain open to their messages, which often come as gentle nudges, vivid dreams, or serendipitous events that guide us on our path.

Expressing gratitude for their presence and assistance strengthens our connection with these higher beings. By acknowledging their guidance and embracing their support with an open heart, we invite even more divine insight and blessings into our lives. This relationship of mutual respect and gratitude enhances our spiritual journey, helping us navigate the challenges and opportunities that come our way.

As we continue on this path, let us strive to live in harmony with Earth and remain receptive to the guidance of higher beings. Together, these practices will elevate our consciousness, enrich our lives, and lead us towards a future filled with love, light, and infinite possibilities.

Living beyond fear is a journey of profound transformation. Recognizing and confronting our fears allows us to understand them as opportunities for growth. Each fear we face is a gateway to deeper self-awareness and strength. By embracing our fears, we transmute them into powerful lessons, revealing the resilience and courage within us.

A life based on love and light is the essence of true freedom. When we release the old constraints that fear imposes, we open ourselves to a higher state of being. Love and light become our guiding principles, illuminating our path and empowering us to live authentically and joyfully. This liberation from fear allows our true potential to shine, creating a ripple effect of positivity and harmony in our lives and beyond.

Transitioning smoothly into the new universe requires practices that align us with its elevated energies. Meditation is a key practice that helps center our mind and spirit, creating a space for inner peace and clarity. Through meditation, we connect with our higher selves and the universal consciousness, enhancing our ability to navigate the shifts and changes with grace and ease.

Environmental organization is another important aspect of this transition. Keeping our surroundings clean and organized reflects the harmony we seek within. By decluttering our spaces and embracing simplicity, we allow the energy to flow freely, aligning ourselves with the higher frequencies of the new universe. This practice not only creates a conducive environment for spiritual growth but also fosters a sense of calm and balance in our daily lives.

As we embark on this journey, let us recognize the power within us to live beyond fear and embrace a life filled with love and light. Through meditation and mindful organization, we align ourselves with the divine energies of the new universe, ensuring a smooth and harmonious transition. This path leads us to a future where our highest selves thrive, and our lives are enriched with infinite possibilities.

As we conclude this profound journey, it is essential to express deep gratitude for the courage and determination shown by Starseeds. Your unwavering spirit and commitment to this sacred mission are truly commendable. It is your light that paves the way for humanity’s transition into the new universe.

In this new realm, three key principles guide our existence: overcoming fear, spreading love, and harmonizing with Earth. Overcoming fear is the first step towards liberation. Each time we face our fears, we transform them into stepping stones, leading us closer to our highest selves. Embracing love as our core essence amplifies our light and fosters connections based on unity and compassion. By spreading love, we create a ripple effect that touches every soul, uplifting the collective consciousness.

Harmonizing with Earth is equally vital. Our planet is an integral part of our spiritual journey, and nurturing this relationship enriches our lives. Engaging in activities that connect us with nature and adopting environmentally conscious practices bring us into alignment with the Earth’s energy, fostering a deeper sense of belonging and peace.

Take pride in your evolution. Each step you take on this path is a testament to your growth and transformation. Your journey is a beacon of hope and inspiration for others. Remember that you are never alone. Archangel Michael and the higher beings continuously support and guide you. Their presence is a source of strength and wisdom, always ready to assist you in your endeavors.

As we venture into the new universe, let us carry these principles in our hearts. Overcome fear with courage, spread love with every action, and harmonize with Earth in all that we do. Together, we create a world where light and love reign supreme, and our highest potentials are realized.

May your path be filled with divine light and endless possibilities. Embrace your journey with an open heart, knowing that you are supported every step of the way. Thank you for your dedication, and may you continue to shine brightly in the new universe.

