Are you a spiritual healer? 10 signs to watch out for

Soul Compass
4 min readDec 28, 2023


In the whispers of the wind and the silent gaze of the stars, there lies a path less traveled — a path of awakening, healing, and profound transformation. It is the realm of the spiritual healer, a unique being not just bound to this earthly plane, but deeply entwined with the cosmic dance of the universe.

Today, we embark on an ethereal journey to uncover the ten clear signs that might reveal you are a spiritual healer. These are not mere traits, but beacons that light the way to understanding our deeper purpose and our intricate connections with the universe.

Join us, as we unravel the sacred tapestry of spiritual healing, understanding its profound impact on our souls, and perhaps, awakening the healer within you.

1. Heightened Sensitivity to Energy:

In the realm of the unseen, spiritual healers possess a rare gift — an extraordinary sensitivity to the energies that swirl invisibly around us. They feel the pulsations of the universe, sensing the emotional and energetic essences of people, places, and objects. Imagine walking through a forest and sensing the ancient whispers of the trees, or entering a room and feeling the echo of past emotions. This heightened awareness transcends mere perception; it’s a deep, intuitive connection to the energy that flows through all things.

2. Mastery of Energy:

Masters of the intangible, spiritual healers navigate the sea of energy with the grace of a seasoned sailor. They can distinguish and transform energies, not just within themselves but also in their surroundings. Picture a healer calming a storm of emotions or clearing a space of lingering negativity. This mastery allows them to engage with the world on a profound level, harmonizing and healing the energies that they encounter.

3. Feeling Like an Outcast:

Often walking a solitary path, many spiritual healers experience a profound sense of otherness. They find themselves at the fringes of conventional society, their perceptions and understanding of the world setting them apart. This sense of alienation, while challenging, propels them on an inward journey, diving deep into the waters of their soul, seeking truth and understanding in the quietude of their own spiritual quest.

4. Attracting Those in Need:

Like moths to a flame, those in need are inexplicably drawn to spiritual healers. These healers, with their open hearts and empathetic ears, often find themselves in roles of support and guidance. They are the silent shepherds, guiding lost souls back to their paths, offering light in times of darkness, and solace to hearts in turmoil.

5. Natural Peacemaker:

In a world rife with discord, spiritual healers emerge as the weavers of peace. They have an innate ability to mediate conflicts, restoring balance and harmony where chaos once reigned. Imagine them as the calm eye in the storm of human conflicts, bringing together opposing forces in a dance of reconciliation and understanding.

6. Feeling Drained Around People:

The gift of sensitivity comes with a price — a vulnerability to the overwhelming tides of energy around them. Spiritual healers often find themselves drained of vitality, especially in crowded spaces or after intense interactions. It’s as if they absorb the emotional and psychic debris of others, leaving them in need of retreat and rejuvenation.

7. Confidant and Guide:

To many, especially strangers, spiritual healers become confidants and guides. People are naturally drawn to their aura of understanding and empathy. In the presence of a healer, individuals find a safe haven for their secrets and burdens, feeling an unparalleled sense of comfort and comprehension.

8. Awareness of Interconnectedness:

Healers see the intricate web that connects all life, an understanding that shapes their every interaction. They move through the world with a profound respect for this interconnectedness, their actions guided by the knowledge that every thought, every deed, resonates across the vast network of existence.

9. Experience of the Dark Night of the Soul:

The journey of a spiritual healer often traverses through the shadows of the Dark Night of the Soul. This period of deep introspection and existential challenge is a crucible, transforming and awakening the soul. Emerging from this dark night, they gain profound insights into the nature of suffering and healing.

10. Affinity with Animals and Children:

Spiritual healers share a natural, unspoken bond with animals and children. This connection transcends language and manifests in a mutual sense of trust and comfort. It’s as if animals and young ones recognize the purity and authenticity of the healer’s spirit, gravitating towards them in a dance of silent understanding.

Each of these signs is a thread in the rich tapestry of a spiritual healer’s existence, weaving together to form a picture of a life deeply connected to the spiritual realm.

As our journey through the mystical landscape of spiritual healing draws to a close, we find ourselves standing at the threshold of deeper understanding. Today, we have traversed the sacred path of the spiritual healer, exploring the ten signs that whisper of a calling far beyond the ordinary.

From the heightened sensitivity to the subtle dance of energies, to the profound mastery over these invisible forces; from the solitary path of feeling like an outcast, to the noble role of attracting and guiding those in need; we have seen how these unique souls serve as natural peacemakers, often feeling drained by the very energies they seek to harmonize.

Remember, the path of a spiritual healer is woven with challenges and blessings alike, each step a dance with the divine, each breath a hymn of the soul’s eternal journey.

