7 Ways to Stay Focused — The Principles of the Legendary Swordsman Miyamoto Musashi

Soul Compass
6 min readNov 2, 2023


In the ever-changing landscape of our modern world, we often look back to the wisdom of those who walked before us. Today, we’re diving into the teachings of Miyamoto Musashi, a legendary swordsman whose insights on focus and discipline remain as relevant as ever.

In the annals of history, few figures stand as beacon lights guiding us through the intricacies of life like Miyamoto Musashi. Born in the throes of a changing Japan, Musashi wasn’t just a legendary swordsman, but a philosopher whose vision surpassed the confines of battlefields. His life, a tapestry of duels, travels, and introspections, gifted us with insights that go beyond the clash of steel, reaching into the very art of living. In a world where distractions are just a fingertip away, why should we heed the words of a swordsman from centuries ago? Because Musashi mastered not just the sword, but the mind. His principles on focus serve as a compass in our cluttered modern landscape, pointing us to clarity and purpose. We’ll uncover the 7 principles of focus from this unparalleled master, showing us how to wield our inner blade amidst the challenges of the 21st century.

First Principle: Master One Thing.

In the vast expanse of human endeavors, there’s a profound elegance in simplicity. Miyamoto Musashi, in his timeless wisdom, taught us the essence of ‘Mastering One Thing’. Rather than dancing to the erratic rhythm of modern multitasking, he beckoned us to the dance of mastery, where one immerses deeply into a single art or craft. Think of the violinist, dedicating hours to perfect a single melody until it becomes an extension of their soul, or the potter, whose hands know every curve and edge of the clay, shaping it with an intimacy born from singular focus. In our contemporary world, where the allure of doing ‘everything’ often leaves us mastering ‘nothing’, Musashi’s principle reminds us of the depth and richness that comes from unwavering dedication. By honing in on one skill, one passion, we don’t merely become experts; we become maestros, leaving an indelible mark in our chosen field.

Second Principle: Avoid Short-term Pleasures.

In the age where the ephemeral allure of fleeting joys constantly beckons, Miyamoto Musashi’s counsel to ‘Avoid Short-term Pleasures’ rings truer than ever. The sage swordsman recognized the pitfalls of being ensnared by the transient. Instead, he championed a life anchored in the pursuit of lasting fulfillment. Picture the writer, foregoing the immediate allure of a trending show to pen down chapters of a novel that might one day inspire generations. Or consider the athlete, choosing the rigorous path of daily training over the comfort of leisure, all for the glory of a future championship. Today’s world, with its myriad of instant pleasures at our fingertips, often blinds us from the deeper rewards that patience and persistence can bring. Musashi’s wisdom nudges us to look beyond the horizon of the ‘now’, to chase dreams and aspirations that echo into eternity, rather than dissolve with the next sunrise.

Third Principle: Commit Fully.

In the vast canvas of life, where actions paint our destiny, Miyamoto Musashi’s call to ‘Commit Fully’ serves as a guiding brushstroke. The legendary samurai knew that in every endeavor, it’s not just the act, but the heart and soul behind it that determine the outcome. Picture the artist, who doesn’t merely splash colors, but pours emotion into each stroke, making a masterpiece come alive. Or consider the entrepreneur, who dives deep into a venture not just with capital, but with vision, passion, and unwavering belief. In today’s multifaceted world, it’s tempting to tread lightly on numerous paths. Yet, Musashi’s wisdom reminds us that it’s not about the number of steps taken, but the depth of the footprints left behind. Whether it’s a task at hand, a project, or a personal goal, immersing ourselves wholeheartedly ensures not just completion, but the achievement of excellence.

Fourth Principle: Let Go of Resentments.

In the intricate dance of emotions that choreograph our lives, Miyamoto Musashi teaches us to gracefully sidestep the snare of ‘Resentments’. This master swordsman, who navigated both physical and emotional battles, recognized that clinging to past grudges weighs down the spirit, stunting growth. Envision the scholar, who instead of dwelling on a past academic failure, channels that energy into renewed studies, emerging wiser. Or consider the entrepreneur, who, rather than brooding over a failed venture, extracts lessons from it, paving the way for future successes. In the modern age, where past grievances can be replayed and magnified through memories and digital footprints, Musashi’s counsel encourages us to release these anchors. By unshackling ourselves from the chains of resentment, we free our energies to pursue new horizons, transforming setbacks into stepping stones towards our greater destiny.

Fifth Principle: Live Without Regret.

In the ever-evolving narrative of our existence, Miyamoto Musashi’s advice to ‘Live Without Regret’ shines as a guiding star. The revered swordsman, who faced life’s vicissitudes head-on, underscored the art of moving forward with resolve, unburdened by the chains of past choices. Visualize the writer, who, instead of lamenting a rejected manuscript, refines their craft and pens an even greater masterpiece. Or think of the innovator, who doesn’t ruminate over a flawed prototype but iteratively improves, eventually revolutionizing a domain. In today’s world, where past missteps can be replayed endlessly in our minds and on digital platforms, Musashi’s wisdom invites us to embrace every experience as a lesson. By taking accountability, learning, and persistently stepping forward, we can navigate life’s journey not with a trail of regrets, but with a legacy of growth and resilience.

Sixth Principle: Do Not Chase Love or Lust.

Amidst life’s intricate melodies, Miyamoto Musashi’s counsel to ‘Do Not Chase Love or Lust’ resonates like a poignant refrain. The illustrious warrior, who wove philosophy as adeptly as he wielded the sword, opined that the allure of love and desire, if pursued blindly, could blur one’s vision and purpose. Picture the ambitious student, who, rather than getting lost in the intoxicating whirlwind of youthful romance, cherishes genuine companionship that fuels mutual growth. Or contemplate the visionary leader, who finds strength in a partnership that complements, not compromises, their aspirations. In today’s age, where fleeting infatuations are but a swipe away, Musashi’s wisdom urges discernment. Embracing relationships that align with our path and amplify our essence ensures that our journey isn’t sidetracked by transient passions, but is enriched by deep, meaningful connections.

Seventh Principle: Accept Life As It Happens.

Amidst the unpredictable ebb and flow of existence, Miyamoto Musashi’s wisdom to ‘Accept Life As It Happens’ emerges as a beacon of serenity. The legendary samurai, who faced both storms and stillness with equal composure, championed a perspective where life’s uncertainties become avenues for enlightenment. Imagine the budding entrepreneur, who, when faced with an unforeseen market shift, sees not a setback, but an opportunity to innovate and redefine the landscape. Or reflect upon the artist, who, amidst the critique and change, discerns a chance to evolve their craft, touching newer depths of expression. In today’s volatile world, where change is the only constant, Musashi’s philosophy offers a grounding force. By embracing life’s unpredictability and viewing challenges as catalysts, we transform our journey from a series of reactive steps to a dance of proactive growth.

As we journey through the intricate tapestry of life, the ageless wisdom of Miyamoto Musashi offers us not just a map, but a compass to navigate its complexities. In a world where distractions are myriad and the path often obscured, his principles shine as timeless beacons, guiding us towards purpose, clarity, and resilience. From mastering a singular passion to embracing life’s unpredictable dance, Musashi’s teachings remind us that true fulfillment isn’t found in fleeting moments, but in the deeper rhythms of commitment, learning, and growth. So, as we stand at the crossroads of choices and challenges, let’s carry forth these lessons from the legendary samurai, turning our own narratives into sagas of unwavering focus and profound transformation.

